Indiana Revenge Porn Law

With the rise of digital technology and social media platforms, new forms of harm have emerged. One such phenomenon is revenge porn, a deeply invasive and harmful act that can wreak havoc on individuals’ lives. Recognizing the need to address this issue, Indiana enacted IND. CODE. ANN. §35-45-4-8, a law specifically designed to combat revenge…

Protecting Privacy: Understanding Miss. Code § 97-29-64.1 on Disclosure of Intimate Visual Material

In today’s digital age, the ease of capturing and sharing images and videos has raised concerns about the privacy and dignity of individuals. To address this issue, many states, including Mississippi, have enacted laws to protect against the non-consensual disclosure of intimate visual material. Miss. Code § 97-29-64.1, commonly known as the “Disclosure of Intimate…

Maryland Revenge Porn Law

Md. Code, Crim. Law § 3-709 is an essential law that protects individuals against the sharing of intimate images or videos without their consent, commonly known as revenge porn. The statute makes it a criminal offense to disseminate, distribute, or publish an intimate image of an individual without their consent and with the intent to…

Kentucky Revenge Porn Law

Kentucky Statute 531.120 also includes provisions related to the criminal offense of “revenge porn,” which involves the distribution of sexually explicit images or videos without the consent of the individual depicted. This behavior is also commonly referred to as “non-consensual pornography.” Under the Kentucky revenge porn law, individuals who distribute or possess sexually explicit images…

Virginia Revenge Porn Law

In 2014, Virginia became one of the first states in the United States to enact a law specifically targeting the disclosure of private images, commonly referred to as “revenge porn.” The law, codified as Virginia Statute § 8.01-40.4, makes it illegal to distribute or share sexually explicit images or videos of another person without their…

North Carolina Revenge Porn Law

In December 2015, North Carolina became the ninth state in the United States to enact a law against the disclosure of private images, also known as “revenge porn.” The law, called the Disclosure of Private Images Act, makes it illegal to intentionally disclose or distribute sexually explicit images of another person without their consent. The…

New Jersey Revenge Porn Law

Revenge porn is a serious issue that affects many people across the United States. In New Jersey, there are laws in place to protect individuals from this form of harassment and abuse. In this blog post, we will discuss New Jersey’s laws against revenge porn, including what it is, the penalties associated with it, and…